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enum DeleteSpaceResult : Enum<DeleteSpaceResult>

An enumeration for delete space related APIs

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class Space

A data type represents a Space at Cisco Webex cloud.

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interface SpaceClient

A client wrapper of Space APIs that allows various operations such list, create, delete etc

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class SpaceMeetingInfo

` The Webex meeting details for a space such as the SIP address, meeting URL, toll-free and toll dial-in numbers.

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interface SpaceObserver

Callback to receive the events from a SpaceClient.

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class SpaceReadStatus

Read status about the date of last activity in the space and the date of current user last presence in the space. For spaces where lastActivityDate lastSeenDate the space can be considered to be "unread".

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enum UpdateSpaceTitleResult : Enum<UpdateSpaceTitleResult>

An enumeration for update space related APIs