Space Client
A client wrapper of Space APIs that allows various operations such list, create, delete etc
Creates a space. The authenticated user is automatically added as a member of the space. See the Memberships API to learn how to add more people to the space.
Deletes a space by id.
Retrieves the details for a space by id.
Shows Webex meeting details for a space such as the SIP address, meeting URL, toll-free and toll dial-in numbers.
Returns a SpaceReadStatus with the details about the date of the last activity in the space, and the date of current user last presence in the space. For spaces where lastActivityDate lastSeenDate the space can be considered to be "unread"
Denotes if syncing latest spaces to local database is complete. The SpaceClient.list API will return correct number of spaces, only when this API returns true
Lists all spaces where the authenticated user belongs.
Returns a list of spaces in which there are active calls.
Returns a list of SpaceReadStatus with details about the date of the last activity in the space, and the date of current user last presence in the space. The list is sorted with this with most recent activity first. For spaces where lastActivityDate lastSeenDate the space can be considered to be "unread"
Denotes if syncing latest conversations to local database is complete
Sets a listener that is called whenever the status for syncing of spaces changes.
Sets a SpaceObserver in this client.