
open class Message

This class represents a Message on Cisco Webex.




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fun Message()


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object Companion
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interface Draft

Encapsulating the content will be post. A draft is created by Message.draft}

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class Text

The wrapper for the message text in different formats: plain text, markdown, or html. Text will be in one of the format.


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open fun getCreated(): Long

Time when message was created

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open fun getFiles(): MutableList<RemoteFile>

Returns the attachment with the message

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open fun getId(): String?

Returns the message id

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open fun getMentions(): MutableList<Mention>

Returns all people mentioned in the message

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open fun getParentId(): String?

Returns the parent if this message is a reply message.

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open fun getPersonDisplayName(): String?

Returns the name of the person who sent this message.

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open fun getPersonEmail(): String?

Returns the email address of the person who sent this message.

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open fun getPersonId(): String?

Returns the identifier of the person who sent this message.

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open fun getSpaceId(): String?

Returns the identifier of the space where this message was posted.

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open fun getSpaceType(): Space.SpaceType

Returns the conversation type such as group, or direct

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open fun getText(): String?

Returns the text contained in the message. Returned text format would be html, markdown or plain text. To know the format of the text use getTextAsObject

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open fun getTextAsObject(): Message.Text

Returns the content of the message as Text object. This method can be used to know the text and its format. Text would be one of html, markdown or plain text format. Depending on the message to get the text Text.getHtml or Text.getMarkdown or Text.getPlain needs to be used

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open fun getToPersonEmail(): String?

Returns the email address of the recipient when sending a private 1:1 message.

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open fun getToPersonId(): String?

Returns the identifier of the recipient when sending a private 1:1 message.

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open fun isAllMentioned(): Boolean

Returns true if the message mentioned everyone in space.

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open fun isContentDecrypted(): Boolean

Returns true if the content of the message is decrypted

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open fun isReply(): Boolean

Checks if this is a reply message.

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open fun isSelfMentioned(): Boolean

Returns true if the message is the recipient of the message is included in message's mention list

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns the message in JSON string format.