
interface RemoteFile

A data type represents a remote file on the Cisco Webex.




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interface Thumbnail

A data type represents a thumbnail file. The thumbnail typically is an image file which provides preview of the remote file without downloading. The content of the thumbnail can be downloaded via MessageClient.downloadThumbnail.


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abstract fun getContentIndex(): Int?

An index for the attachment file of message object

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abstract fun getConversationId(): String?

A unique identifier for conversation for the given space

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abstract fun getDisplayName(): String?

Returns the display name of this remote file.

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abstract fun getMessageId(): String?

A unique identifier for the given message

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abstract fun getMimeType(): String?

Returns the MIME type of this remote file.

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abstract fun getSize(): Long

Returns the size in bytes of this remote file.

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abstract fun getThumbnail(): RemoteFile.Thumbnail?

Returns the thumbnail of this remote file.

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abstract fun getUrl(): String?

Returns the URL string for this remote file.