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WebexSDK Namespace

The Cisco Webex Windows SDK makes it easy to integrate secure and convenient Cisco Webex messaging and calling features in your apps.
Public classActiveSpeakerChangedEvent
The active speaker is changed.
Public classAuxStream
An AuxStream instance represents an auxiliary stream.
Public classAuxStreamClosedEvent
This might be triggered when an auxiliary stream is closed successfully or unsuccessfully. On this event, the client can hide the view.
Public classAuxStreamEvent
The auxiliary stream event.
Public classAuxStreamOpenedEvent
This might be triggered when an auxiliary stream is opened successfully or unsuccessfully. On this event, the client can display the view.
Public classAuxStreamPersonChangedEvent
The person represented this auxiliary stream is changed.
Public classAuxStreamSendingVideoEvent
This might be triggered when the network is unstable or the represented person muted or unmuted his video, and client can get the detail from the property IsSendingVideo
Public classAuxStreamSizeChangedEvent
This might be triggered when the auxiliary stream view size is changed, and client can get the detail from the property AuxStreamSize
Public classAVIODevice
Audio and video IO device.
Public classCall
A Call represents a media call on Cisco Webex. The application can create an outgoing call by calling phone.dial function.
Public classCallDisconnectedEvent
The call disconnect event.
Public classCallError
Unknown error
Public classCallEvent
Base class for the event of a call.
Public classCallMembership
A data type represents a relationship between *Call* and *Person* at Cisco Webex cloud.
Public classCallMembershipChangedEvent
The call membership changed event.
Public classCallMembershipDeclinedEvent
The person in the membership declined this call.
Public classCallMembershipJoinedEvent
The person in the membership joined this call.
Public classCallMembershipLeftEvent
The person in the membership left this call.
Public classCallMembershipSendingAudioEvent
The person in the membership started sending audio.
Public classCallMembershipSendingShareEvent
The person in the membership started sharing.
Public classCallMembershipSendingVideoEvent
The person in the membership started sending video.
Public classCameraSwitchedEvent
This might be triggered when the selected camera switched.
Public classCapabilities
The capabilities of a call.
Public classCapabilitiesDTMF
The DTMF capability of this call.
Public classJWTAuthenticator
A [JSON Web Token]( (JWT) based authentication strategy is to be used to authenticate a guest user on Cisco Webex.
Public classLocalCancel
The local party has cancelled the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *outgoing*.
Public classLocalDecline
The local party has declined the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
Public classLocalFile
A data type represents a local file
Public classLocalFileThumbnail
A data type represents a local file thumbnail.
Public classLocalLeft
The local party has left the call.
Public classLocalVideoViewSizeChangedEvent
Local video rendering view size has changed.
Public classMediaChangedEvent
The media change event.
Public classMediaOption
The media options of a call.
Public classMembership
Membership contents.
Public classMembershipClient
Memberships represent a person's relationship to a space. Use this API to list members of any space that you're in or create memberships to invite someone to a space. Memberships can also be updated to make someone a moderator or deleted to remove them from the space.
Public classMention
A abstract data type represents mention.
Public classMentionAll
A data type represents mention all in the space.
Public classMentionPerson
A data type represents mention one person in the space.
Public classMessage
The struct of a Message on Cisco Webex.
Public classMessageArrived
The event of a message arrived.
Public classMessageClient
Messages are how we communicate in a space. In Webex, each message is displayed on its own line along with a timestamp and sender information. Use this API to list, create, and delete messages. Message can contain plain text, rich text, and a file attachment.
Public classMessageDeleted
The event of a message is deleted.
Public classMessageEvent
A abstract data type represents a message event.
Public classOAuthAuthenticator
An [OAuth]( based authentication strategy is to be used to authenticate a user on Cisco Webex.
Public classOtherConnected
One of the other phones of the authenticated user has answered the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
Public classOtherDeclined
One of the other phones of the authenticated user has declined the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
Public classPerson
Person contents.
Public classPersonClient
Person are registered users of Cisco Webex. Searching and viewing Person requires an auth token with a scope of webex:people_read. Viewing the list of all People in your Organization requires an administrator auth token with webex-admin:people_read scope. Adding, updating, and removing People requires an administrator auth token with the webex-admin:people_write scope.
Public classPhone
Phone represents a Cisco Webex calling device. The application can obtain a phone object from Webex object and use *phone* to call other Cisco Webex users or PSTN when enabled. The phone must be registered before it can make or receive calls.
Public classReceivingAudioEvent
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the audio.
Public classReceivingShareEvent
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the video
Public classReceivingVideoEvent
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the remote video.
Public classRemoteCancel
The remote party has cancelled the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
Public classRemoteDecline
The remote party has declined the call. This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *outgoing*.
Public classRemoteFile
A data type represents a remote file
Public classRemoteFileThumbnail
A data type represents a remote file thumbnail.
Public classRemoteLeft
The remote party has left the call.
Public classRemoteSendingAudioEvent
This might be triggered when the remote party muted or unmuted the audio.
Public classRemoteSendingShareEvent
This might be triggered when the remote party started or stopped share stream. If you haven't set the share view handle, you can set it by calling SetRemoteShareView(IntPtr) now.
Public classRemoteSendingVideoEvent
This might be triggered when the remote party muted or unmuted the video.
Public classRemoteShareViewSizeChangedEvent
Remote share rendering view size has changed.
Public classRemoteVideoViewSizeChangedEvent
Remote video rendering view size has changed.
Public classSendingAudioEvent
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the audio.
Public classSendingShareEvent
This might be triggered when the local party started or stopped share stream.
Public classSendingVideoEvent
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the video.
Public classShareSource
Share source.
Public classSpace
A data type represents a Space at Cisco Webex cloud.
Public classSpaceClient
Class SpaceClient contains APIs which are used to manage the spaces themselves. Spaces are created and deleted with this API. You can also update a space to change its title
Public classSpeakerSwitchedEvent
This might be triggered when the selected speaker switched.
Public classSSOAuthenticator
An Single sign-on [SSO]( based authentication strategy used to authenticate a user on Cisco Webex. See: [Cisco Webex Integration](
Public classTeam
A data type represents a Team at Cisco Webex cloud.
Public classTeamClient
Class TeamClient contains APIs which are used to manage the teams themselves. Teams are created and deleted with this API. You can also update a team to change its title
Public classTeamMembership
A data type represents a relationship between Team and Person at Cisco Webex cloud.
Public classTeamMembershipClient
TeamMemberships represent a person's relationship to a team. Use this API to list members of any team that you're in or create memberships to invite someone to a team. Team memberships can also be updated to make someone a moderator or deleted to remove them from the team.
Public classWebex
Webex object is the entry point to use this Cisco Webex .Net SDK. A Webex object must be created with one of the following Authenticator.
Public classWebexApiEventArgs
Represents the Webex SDK api event args.
Public classWebexApiEventArgsT
Represents the Webex SDK api event args.
Public classWebexError
A data type represents a error.
Public classWebhook
A data type presents a Webhook at Cisco Webex for Developer.
Public classWebhookClient
WebhookClient allow your app to be notified via HTTP when a specific event occurs on Webex. For example, your app can register a webhook to be notified when a new message is posted into a specific space
Public interfaceIAuthenticator
An interface for generic authentication strategies in Cisco Webex. Each authentication strategy is responsible for providing an accessToken used throughout this SDK.
Public interfaceILogger
A protocol for logging in the SDK.
Public interfaceIMultiStreamObserver
The interface of multi stream. Client must implement this interface to enable the multi-stream feature.
Public enumerationAVIODeviceType
audio and video IO device type.
Public enumerationCallCallDirection
The enumeration of directions of a call
Public enumerationCallMembershipCallState
The enumeration of the status of the person in the membership.
Public enumerationCallStatus
The status of a Call.
Public enumerationLogLevel
The enumeration of log message level.
Public enumerationPhoneDefaultBandwidth
The enumeration of common bandwidth choices.
Public enumerationShareSourceType
share source types.
Public enumerationSpaceSortType
The enumeration of sorting result
Public enumerationSpaceType
The enumeration of the types of a space.
Public enumerationWebexErrorCode
The enumeration of error types.