WebexSDK Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ActiveSpeakerChangedEvent |
The active speaker is changed.
| |
AuxStream |
An AuxStream instance represents an auxiliary stream.
| |
AuxStreamClosedEvent |
This might be triggered when an auxiliary stream is closed successfully or unsuccessfully.
On this event, the client can hide the view.
| |
AuxStreamEvent |
The auxiliary stream event.
| |
AuxStreamOpenedEvent |
This might be triggered when an auxiliary stream is opened successfully or unsuccessfully.
On this event, the client can display the view.
| |
AuxStreamPersonChangedEvent |
The person represented this auxiliary stream is changed.
| |
AuxStreamSendingVideoEvent |
This might be triggered when the network is unstable or the represented person muted or unmuted his video, and client can get the detail from the property IsSendingVideo | |
AuxStreamSizeChangedEvent |
This might be triggered when the auxiliary stream view size is changed, and client can get the detail from the property AuxStreamSize | |
AVIODevice |
Audio and video IO device.
| |
Call |
A Call represents a media call on Cisco Webex.
The application can create an outgoing call by calling phone.dial function.
| |
CallDisconnectedEvent |
The call disconnect event.
| |
CallError |
Unknown error
| |
CallEvent |
Base class for the event of a call.
| |
CallMembership |
A data type represents a relationship between *Call* and *Person* at Cisco Webex cloud.
| |
CallMembershipChangedEvent |
The call membership changed event.
| |
CallMembershipDeclinedEvent |
The person in the membership declined this call.
| |
CallMembershipJoinedEvent |
The person in the membership joined this call.
| |
CallMembershipLeftEvent |
The person in the membership left this call.
| |
CallMembershipSendingAudioEvent |
The person in the membership started sending audio.
| |
CallMembershipSendingShareEvent |
The person in the membership started sharing.
| |
CallMembershipSendingVideoEvent |
The person in the membership started sending video.
| |
CameraSwitchedEvent |
This might be triggered when the selected camera switched.
| |
Capabilities |
The capabilities of a call.
| |
CapabilitiesDTMF |
The DTMF capability of this call.
| |
JWTAuthenticator |
A [JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/introduction) (JWT) based authentication strategy
is to be used to authenticate a guest user on Cisco Webex.
| |
LocalCancel |
The local party has cancelled the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *outgoing*.
| |
LocalDecline |
The local party has declined the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
| |
LocalFile |
A data type represents a local file
| |
LocalFileThumbnail |
A data type represents a local file thumbnail.
| |
LocalLeft |
The local party has left the call.
| |
LocalVideoViewSizeChangedEvent |
Local video rendering view size has changed.
| |
MediaChangedEvent |
The media change event.
| |
MediaOption |
The media options of a call.
| |
Membership |
Membership contents.
| |
MembershipClient |
Memberships represent a person's relationship to a space.
Use this API to list members of any space that you're in or create memberships to invite someone to a space.
Memberships can also be updated to make someone a moderator or deleted to remove them from the space.
| |
Mention |
A abstract data type represents mention.
| |
MentionAll |
A data type represents mention all in the space.
| |
MentionPerson |
A data type represents mention one person in the space.
| |
Message |
The struct of a Message on Cisco Webex.
| |
MessageArrived |
The event of a message arrived.
| |
MessageClient |
Messages are how we communicate in a space. In Webex, each message is displayed on its own line along with a timestamp and sender information.
Use this API to list, create, and delete messages. Message can contain plain text, rich text, and a file attachment.
| |
MessageDeleted |
The event of a message is deleted.
| |
MessageEvent |
A abstract data type represents a message event.
| |
OAuthAuthenticator |
An [OAuth](https://oauth.net/2/) based authentication strategy is to be used to authenticate a user on Cisco Webex.
| |
OtherConnected |
One of the other phones of the authenticated user has answered the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
| |
OtherDeclined |
One of the other phones of the authenticated user has declined the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
| |
Person |
Person contents.
| |
PersonClient |
Person are registered users of Cisco Webex.
Searching and viewing Person requires an auth token with a scope of webex:people_read.
Viewing the list of all People in your Organization requires an administrator auth token with webex-admin:people_read scope.
Adding, updating, and removing People requires an administrator auth token with the webex-admin:people_write scope.
| |
Phone |
Phone represents a Cisco Webex calling device.
The application can obtain a phone object from Webex object
and use *phone* to call other Cisco Webex users or PSTN when enabled.
The phone must be registered before it can make or receive calls.
| |
ReceivingAudioEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the audio.
| |
ReceivingShareEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the video
| |
ReceivingVideoEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the remote video.
| |
RemoteCancel |
The remote party has cancelled the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *incoming*.
| |
RemoteDecline |
The remote party has declined the call.
This is only applicable when the direction of the call is *outgoing*.
| |
RemoteFile |
A data type represents a remote file
| |
RemoteFileThumbnail |
A data type represents a remote file thumbnail.
| |
RemoteLeft |
The remote party has left the call.
| |
RemoteSendingAudioEvent |
This might be triggered when the remote party muted or unmuted the audio.
| |
RemoteSendingShareEvent |
This might be triggered when the remote party started or stopped share stream.
If you haven't set the share view handle, you can set it by calling SetRemoteShareView(IntPtr) now.
| |
RemoteSendingVideoEvent |
This might be triggered when the remote party muted or unmuted the video.
| |
RemoteShareViewSizeChangedEvent |
Remote share rendering view size has changed.
| |
RemoteVideoViewSizeChangedEvent |
Remote video rendering view size has changed.
| |
SendingAudioEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the audio.
| |
SendingShareEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party started or stopped share stream.
| |
SendingVideoEvent |
This might be triggered when the local party muted or unmuted the video.
| |
ShareSource |
Share source.
| |
Space |
A data type represents a Space at Cisco Webex cloud.
| |
SpaceClient |
Class SpaceClient contains APIs which are used to manage the spaces themselves.
Spaces are created and deleted with this API. You can also update a space to change its title
| |
SpeakerSwitchedEvent |
This might be triggered when the selected speaker switched.
| |
SSOAuthenticator |
An Single sign-on [SSO](https://help.webex.com/docs/DOC-9143#reference_E9B2CEDE975E4CD311C56D9B0EF2476C)
based authentication strategy used to authenticate a user on Cisco Webex.
See: [Cisco Webex Integration](https://developer.webex.com/authentication.html)
| |
Team |
A data type represents a Team at Cisco Webex cloud.
| |
TeamClient |
Class TeamClient contains APIs which are used to manage the teams themselves.
Teams are created and deleted with this API. You can also update a team to change its title
| |
TeamMembership |
A data type represents a relationship between Team and Person at Cisco Webex cloud.
| |
TeamMembershipClient |
TeamMemberships represent a person's relationship to a team.
Use this API to list members of any team that you're in or create memberships to invite someone to a team.
Team memberships can also be updated to make someone a moderator or deleted to remove them from the team.
| |
Webex |
Webex object is the entry point to use this Cisco Webex .Net SDK. A Webex object must be created with one of the following Authenticator.
| |
WebexApiEventArgs |
Represents the Webex SDK api event args.
| |
WebexApiEventArgsT |
Represents the Webex SDK api event args.
| |
WebexError |
A data type represents a error.
| |
Webhook |
A data type presents a Webhook at Cisco Webex for Developer.
| |
WebhookClient |
WebhookClient allow your app to be notified via HTTP when a specific event occurs on Webex. For example, your app can register a webhook to be notified when a new message is posted into a specific space
Structure | Description | |
CallVideoDimensions |
video render view dimensions.
Interface | Description | |
IAuthenticator |
An interface for generic authentication strategies in Cisco Webex. Each authentication strategy
is responsible for providing an accessToken used throughout this SDK.
| |
ILogger |
A protocol for logging in the SDK.
| |
IMultiStreamObserver |
The interface of multi stream. Client must implement this interface to enable the multi-stream feature.
Enumeration | Description | |
AVIODeviceType |
audio and video IO device type.
| |
CallCallDirection |
The enumeration of directions of a call
| |
CallMembershipCallState |
The enumeration of the status of the person in the membership.
| |
CallStatus |
The status of a Call.
| |
LogLevel |
The enumeration of log message level.
| |
PhoneDefaultBandwidth |
The enumeration of common bandwidth choices.
| |
ShareSourceType |
share source types.
| |
SpaceSortType |
The enumeration of sorting result
| |
SpaceType |
The enumeration of the types of a space.
| |
WebexErrorCode |
The enumeration of error types.