
class CallHistoryRecord

A data type represents an item in the user's call history




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fun CallHistoryRecord()


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enum CallDirection : Enum<CallHistoryRecord.CallDirection>

Enum representing the direction of the call


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var callbackAddress: String? = null

The callback address This can be passed directly to the or method

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var callDirection: CallHistoryRecord.CallDirection

The direction of the call

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var conversationId: String? = null

The conversationId of the record(if it exists)

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var displayName: String? = null

The name to be displayed for the record

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var duration: Long = 0

The duration of the call in seconds

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var endTime: Long = 0

The end time of the call

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var isMissedCall: Boolean = false

Denotes if call was missed call

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var isPhoneNumber: Boolean = false

Denotes if call was CUCM call or WebexCalling. This also helps in determining which dial api should be used while calling back.

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var joinedDuration: Long = 0

The joined duration of the call in seconds(if joined)

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var otherId: String? = null

The other id of the call

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var participantCount: Int = 0

The total participant count of the call

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var startTime: Long = 0

The start time of the call

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var wasJoined: Boolean = false

Denotes if user joined the call