Advanced Setting
This API can be used to enable capturing photo. This has to be set to true to use takePhoto API. Certain cameras don't support photo capture during video capture. They can set this as false to avoid video freeze, while video calling and also disable the takePhoto API.
Set the max screen capture fps for screen share for the call. If 0, default value of 5 is used. Range of this value is 1 to 30 If set the value >5 and battery / CPU are not acceptable on the device, then should set the value <= 5.
Use android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice or use android.hardware.Camera. The default is camera2. This setting is invalid on Android API 21.
Enable or disable the video mosaic for error-concealment when data loss in network. The default is enable.
Set the max sending fps for video for the call. If 0, default value of 30 is used.