
interface MembershipClient

Client wrapper for Membership of a Space related APIs




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abstract fun create(    spaceId: String,     personId: String?,     personEmail: String?,     isModerator: Boolean = false,     handler: CompletionHandler<Membership>)

Adds a person to a space by person id; optionally making the person a moderator.

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abstract fun delete(membershipId: String, handler: CompletionHandler<Void>)

Deletes a membership by membership id. It removes the person from the space where the membership belongs.

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abstract fun get(membershipId: String, handler: CompletionHandler<Membership>)

Fetches the membership details based on the membership id

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abstract fun list(    spaceId: String?,     personId: String?,     personEmail: String?,     max: Int?,     handler: CompletionHandler<List<Membership>>)

Fetches the list of membership based on the provided params

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abstract fun listWithReadStatus(spaceId: String, handler: CompletionHandler<List<MembershipReadStatus>>)

Returns a list of memberships with details about the lastSeenId for each user so that application can tell which message was the last message was read by each user.

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abstract fun setMembershipObserver(observer: MembershipObserver?)

Sets a MembershipObserver in this client.

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abstract fun update(    membershipId: String,     isModerator: Boolean,     handler: CompletionHandler<Membership>)

Updates the properties of a membership by membership id.