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MembershipClient Methods

The MembershipClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateByPersonEmail
Adds a person to a room by email address; optionally making the person a moderator.
Public methodCreateByPersonId
Adds a person to a room by person id; optionally making the person a moderator.
Public methodDelete
Deletes a membership by membership id. It removes the person from the room where the membership belongs.
Public methodGet
Retrieves the details for a membership by membership id.
Public methodList(NullableInt32, ActionSparkApiEventArgsListMembership)
Lists all room memberships where the authenticated user belongs.
Public methodList(String, NullableInt32, ActionSparkApiEventArgsListMembership)
Lists all memberships in the given room by room Id.
Public methodListByPersonEmail
Lists any room memberships for the given room (by room id) and person (by email address).
Public methodListByPersonId
Lists any room memberships for the given room (by room id) and person (by person id).
Public methodUpdate
Updates the properties of a membership by membership id.
See Also