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JWTAuthenticator Methods

The JWTAuthenticator type exposes the following members.

Public methodAccessToken
Returns an access token of this authenticator. This may involve long-running operations such as service calls, but may also return immediately. The application should not make assumptions about how quickly this completes. If the access token could not be retrieved then the completion handler will be called with null.
Public methodAuthorized
Gets a value indicating whether this IAuthenticator is authorized. This may not mean the user has a valid access token yet, but the authentication strategy should be able to obtain one without further user interaction.
Public methodAuthorizeWith
JWT Authenticate
Public methodDeauthorize
Deauthorizes the current user and clears any persistent state with regards to the current user.
Public methodRefreshToken
Returns an new access token of this authenticator. This may involve long-running operations such as service calls. If the access token could not be retrieved then the completion handler will be called with null.
See Also