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Call Methods

The Call type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcknowledge
Acknowledge (without answering) an incoming call. Will cause the initiator's Call instance to emit the ringing event.
Public methodAnswer
Answers this call. This can only be invoked when this call is incoming.
Public methodFetchShareSources
Fetch enumerated sources with a kind of source type
Public methodHangup
Disconnects this call. This can only be invoked when this call is in answered status.
Public methodReject
Rejects this call. This can only be invoked when this call is incoming and in ringing status.
Public methodSendDtmf
Sends DTMF events to the remote party. Valid DTMF events are 0-9, *, #, a-d, and A-D.
Public methodSendFeedbackWith
Sends feedback for this call to Cisco Spark team.
Public methodSetLoalShareView
Set local share view to display.
Public methodSetLocalView
Set local view to display.
Public methodSetRemoteShareView
Set remote share view to display.
Public methodSetRemoteView
Set remote video to display
Public methodStartShare
Start share .
Public methodStopShare
Stop share .
Public methodUpdateLoalShareView
Update local share view to display when video window is resized.
Public methodUpdateLocalView
Update local view to display when video window is resized.
Public methodUpdateRemoteShareView
Update remote share view to display when video window is resized.
Public methodUpdateRemoteView
Update remote video to display when video window is resized.
See Also